Synergy Express Logistics Pvt Ltd. is an innovative logistics company that reaches out to provide comprehensive logistics solution. Established in 2007, Synergy Express is one of the leading international freight forwarding,
Customs Broking, Warehousing, Transportation, Relocation and Project Logistics management companies
delivering cost-effective solutions across the world. The young and dynamic management team at Synergy Express contributes greatly with their new thinking by adapting new technology, applying latest and modern methods in the field to help the needs of customers.
This dynamic mind-set is reflected in our motto “Carrying your aspirations” and demonstrates a tradition of innovation which is inherited in every part of Synergy Express. Synergy Express is an active member of WCA since 2013 & JC Trans since 2018 (the world’s largest and most powerful network of independent freight forwarders, with over 6,196 member offices in 189 countries around the world.)